Τετάρτη, Μαρτίου 04, 2009

Δεν είσαι δικός μας

Πρώτη φορά μου συνέβη να πέσω σε ιστότοπο που δε σ' αφήνει να μπεις μέσα για ρατσιστικούς λόγους, δηλ. βλέπει ότι μπαίνεις π.χ. από Ελλάδα, υποθέτει ότι δεν είσαι Germanic και άρα σου αρνείται την πρόσβαση:

You have reached Skadi Forum, the web's first, oldest and largest Germanic Online Community.

If you are able to read this page, it means that you are trying to access
Skadi Forum from a country which has no (or no longer) a sizeable Germanic population.

As a Germanic Online Community, we strive to preserve our cultural, spiritual, and ethnic heritage,
as well as our Germanic values and the very core of our nature and identity.
Hence, we try and prefer to limit access to Skadi Forum as far as possible to people of
Germanic or predominantly Germanic descent in order that we can foster our culture and traditions,
share our wisdom and knowledge, and build friendships, without having to deal with
non-Germanic influences which water down our culture, leading to even more "multi-culturalization."

If you are a member of Skadi Forum who currently stays in a non-Germanic country, please
contact us with your static IP address or dynamic IP address range in order that we can grant you access.

If you are a Germanic non-member who resides in a country from which you have no access
but are interested to join our community, please have at least one Skadi Regular of good standing
vouch for you and contact us with your IP address or IP address range, as well as your desired
user name and some details about you in order that we can also admit you.

Χάιλ Χίτλερ!

3 σχόλια:

nkour είπε...
Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.
nkour είπε...

Η δύση έχει και πάλι τη λύση:




Costas N. Kouremenos είπε...

Εννοείς "η τεχνολογία έχει τη λύση"; Μπα, από την ίδια την απαγόρευση καταλαβαίνεις τι ρατσιστικό θα είναι και το περιεχόμενο. Δεν έχω όρεξη ούτε καν να φτύσω μέσα...